Benson Idahosa University COVID 19 PANDEMIC : FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - Benson Idahosa University


April 23, 2020

1. What are the plans of the school to conclude this academic session?

A: The University management team has proposed the use of an on-line evaluation process. This process will involve the use of the already existing CBT interface in the University

2. Will there be on-line exams?
A: Yes, it will be conducted using the University’s CBT platform managed by the ICT unit

3.Will the normal grading system still apply with this on-line exams?

A: Yes, although there might be slight modifications. Details will be communicated after the Senate meeting scheduled to hold (via Zoom) on April 23rd, 2020.

4  Will the on-line exams be multiple choice questions or essay?

A: This will be decided by the Deans, HODs & course lecturers.

5. When are the on-line exams expected to start?

A: This will be communicated via our website and Social Media platforms after the Senate meeting scheduled for next week.

6. Are we expected to complete payment of fees before the examinations?

A: Yes

7. Will there be revision test or classes before the exams?

A: Yes

8. When is the expected date of resumption?

A: Date of resumption for students will depend on the lifting of the bans on movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic